Friday, August 19, 2011

In Progress...

My priority today was to make birthday gifts for one of Danielle's friends who just turned two.  So, of course, I spent all morning re-arranging my sewing room instead.  I did get the gifts done but can't post pictures until after the party.  I also can't post pictures of my sewing room yet because I didn't take any (I still need to put pictures back on the walls).  I will share a picture of the room when it was a completely blank slate, since every post needs a picture (isn't that a rule written somewhere?  I'm sure I could find it online, you can find anything online...)

It's supposed to be a formal dining room

I did manage to make my sewing room cozier (because of the layout) and less cluttered (mainly because I removed items from the room and stuffed them in the closet upstairs where I shamefully hide large quantities of fabric).  I have a lot of open storage in my sewing room--instead of just a bunch of drawers and  totes--specifically to ensure that I wouldn't buy more fabric than I had room to store.  Hahahahahahaha!

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