Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sewing Room Makeover

So, as I mentioned last week, I re-organized my sewing room.  Here is the final result:

Some comparisons to show how the room has evolved.  It's probably easiest (and less confusing to look at) if you click on each picture to see a bigger size.

The major change was swapping my fabric stash and desk corners.  I also took a few things out of the room and stacked my pattern organizers against the wall instead of having them under my desk and window.

So cozy now!

These changes made a much bigger impact in the room than I thought they would.  The room seems bigger and brighter, and, best of all, it should be easier to keep it neat.

My stash (well, maybe half of it)

Oh, added bonus:  I can watch movies and t.v. shows on my computer now!  I was watching them occasionally on a small, portable DVD player leftover from my Navy deployment days, but it's kind of tiny and the sound is pretty bad. 

See, I can peek around my embroidery
machine or just move it to the side

I plan to break down some of the details tomorrow.  I think I have a good system going (at least for me), and I'd like to share.  Hopefully you'll come back to check it out.


  1. So much nicer and open. Also, when you use your ironing board, it's not sticking out in the walkway to be bumped! Love it!!

  2. How about spending less time organizing and more time on my ToDo list!....Ha ya.

  3. Looks fantastic! I'm in the process of reorganizing to incorporate a new-to-me-machine, but I don't have nearly as much space as you! Time to get creative...
