Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Twin Owls

I appliqued some shirts for my nieces at my sister's request.  She is really into owls right now and wanted me to put this design from Lynnie Pinnie onto some shirts for the girls.

Whoo's got the best nieces?  I do :)

Doing two of the same shirt was nice--the first one was exciting because it was all new, and then the second one was peaceful since I knew what to expect.

The shirts are actually purple like in this detail shot

I have some shirts planned for later this year that will be the same for my nieces and my daughter, so I hope that making 3 that are the same will be just as enjoyable.


  1. Those owls are cute!!! I am seeing the owl trend take full flight!

  2. Thank you Heather! They are everywhere, aren't they?
