Sunday, January 1, 2012

Samuel's Afghan

I started an afghan for Samuel when I was pregnant with him and didn't finish it before he was born because I wanted to add some length to it.  I decided to complete it in time to make it a Christmas present.

It's too small for a floor blanket for him--unless he sits in
one spot--but will be just right for sleeping as a toddler

When I was pregnant with Danielle, I cross-stitched her an afghan (to be used as a wall hanging), which was lucky, because I received several crocheted & knitted afghans as gifts.  I wanted to do something that took a comparable amount of time since the idea is to pour love into the project and bond with the baby while I am working on it.  This granny-square pattern definitely took some time!

The joins are done with crochet, thank goodness! I don't
like sewing squares together.  Plus, it makes it more durable

I love how it turned out, though I think it could still use a little more length.  Samuel likes it though :)

"Much better than that girly-striped
boppy behind me, Mommy"

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