Monday, March 19, 2012

Blog Design Updates

I have been hard at work behind-the-scenes of my blog, trying to get a few design changes made.  It's been a lot of fun and a lot of work, too, since it's been a few years since I did any web coding.  Did I mention I had another life as a database programmer, once upon a time?  I've also been paid to drive a golf-range-picker and a Navy warship, both of which were pretty fun.

I really wanted a picture of the range picker, but couldn't
find a cool one.  Here's a cool warship picture instead.

But I digress... I've added links to the tips, tutorials and techniques I've posted, and plan to grow those resources as I can.  You know how it is--kids want to be clothed, fed and changed every single day, regardless of whether it cuts into the time I have for my craft blog.  Those kids.   I'll be back tomorrow with the first of several projects I have done.  Hope y'all had a great St. Patty's Day weekend!

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