Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Gigi Dress

I saw this tutorial for the Gigi Dress over at Bluebird and the Boy and I had to make it for a couple of reasons:

1.  It's pretty stinking cute.

2.  It's a great warm-weather dress.  The gap in the back will allow a little breeze on hot days and it's still modest enough to suit my tastes for my daughter.

3.  It seemed like it would be a quick sew--it was!

The longest part was trying to get the fit I wanted.  My daughter is almost 3 and pretty skinny, so she fits into both 2T/3T clothes.  She's right at 36" tall, has a 20" chest and a 19" waist.  The measurements I used for her fairly fitted dress, which include 1/2 seam allowances, are:

Bodice Front: 6" x 12"
Bodice Back: 6" x 6"
Belt: 6" x 23"
Straps:  3" x 8.5"

To come up with the bodice widths, I recommend:
chest measurement + 4" (ease) + 1" (seam allowances)

chest measurement + 4" (ease) + 1" (seam allowances)

I only used 3 inches of ease and it's impossible for her to take off herself.  It's also almost impossible for me to get it off.  Plus, I don't think it will fit her through the summer.  But, I think it's cute and very spring-y and she loves it!  I definitely recommend trying Nicky's tutorial.

1 comment:

  1. I sure do love the fabric combo on this! Of course, she looks darling in anything her talented Mama makes for her :)

    Thanks for giving this a go!
