Saturday, April 21, 2012

Time Flies!

I can't believe I have had nothing new to show for almost two weeks.  Especially since I've been so busy!

I am super excited about 2 patterns that I get to test!  One is a swimsuit pattern (for Danielle) and the other is a pants pattern that rolls up into shorts (for both kids).  I'm not sure how much I can share, since I've never been a tester before, so I'll leave it at that.  It's sooo much fun though, and I feel like I'm in some kind of secret club :)

I am also about to start sewing this cute pattern I bought during a sale at Shwin and Shwin:

Picture from

Doesn't it look adorable?  I can't wait to make one for Danielle, and I'm using two prints, which is a bit daring for me!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Digital Croquis

If you've ever read Polka Dot Overload by the talented Mikhaela, you've probably seen her digital croquis (if not, you can see some here and here and here.)  You may have also seen the croquis included in Project Runway patterns by Simplicity.  Now you can see mine:

It's rather scary, isn't it?

To be honest, I decided to make one because I thought it would be interesting. I didn't actually plan to make sewing decisions based off of it.  But within minutes of printing out my mini-me, I realized it was a useful tool for figuring out proportions and determining whether an style was going to have any chance of looking good on me.  I also realized I should start wearing my hair down, since my 30 extra post-honeymoon, post-baby pounds make my head look small :)

Here I am with clothes on
I'm thinking I need to make a
slightly longer top to balance out
those child-bearing hips

I used this tutorial from Lladybird to come up with my baseline image.**  Then I printed it out and traced outfits on it, because I'm just not that comfortable sketching on my computer, even with a drawing tablet.  I used a pencil and regular paper to trace over my digital image, sketching in outfits while referring to the pattern envelope.   I "tried on" two garments from the patterns in this post.  Once I found the details I liked (sleeves/no sleeves, length, ruffle thickness, etc), I traced the final version in sharpie and scanned it into my computer so I could then post the images here.

I used my croquis to decide that I
wanted to reduce the width of
the ruffles for this pattern
(envelope picture of M-6024)

Haha, just realized I drew my collarbone in going the wrong way in that last image and it makes me look like I have a bodybuilder neck :)  I had fun playing paperdolls with myself, and my daughter enjoyed coloring in Mommy, though she gave me green hair.

**Just a note:  The tutorial mentions using a light background to make it easier to filter out.  Well, you may want to make sure you wear light undergarments as well, otherwise you may find those hard to crop out!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Today is one of the most exciting days of the year! 
Every Easter I feel an amazing renewal of hope. 
This is the day I celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
who gave His life so that I might live. 
This is the day the stone was rolled away and the tomb was found empty. 
This is the day my Savior defied death and fulfilled prophesy!

Regardless of your beliefs, I pray that you will feel the love of the God
today and all days this year, and that His hope will be in your hearts.

In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’  Luke 24:5-7

Happy Easter

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Owl Burp Cloth

A friend from my Navy days just had her baby, so I made some burps to send to little Emery (isn't that a great name?) 

"Green Bean" font from 8Claws--I love it!

I felt like a bit of a stalker when I was checking out her nursery board on Pinterest, but was very happy to see that she pinned some owl stuff in similar colors after I had already stitched these!

Owl from DesignsByJuju

If you want to stitch this owl, I will warn you--the eyes could be digitized better.  I had to do some hand-stitching to fix where the eyeballs unraveled a little.  If I stitch this guy again I will move some stitches using my embroidery software, to make the ends more secure.  Digitizers, if you're reading this, it's much better to stitch details like this from the outside in, both sides, so they meet in the middle!

I also made one last set (are you reading this Shawna?) for my sister to gift.  Her husband has identical twin sisters and their babies will be just a few months apart.  I already made a set for one sister-in-law (the ones for baby Piper); this set is for the other sister-in-law. 

"Itty Bitty" font from 8Claws

Monday, April 2, 2012


I promise to get back to "real" sewing (like clothes and other exciting projects) soon, but I wanted to share two cross-stitch projects I finished up the other night.

This little 4-seasons picture will be hung in our foyer

It took all of about an hour to finish these up.  That's how bad I am about not completing projects.  I will get them almost completely done, and then move on.  I do not know why, and I have made great strides this past year or two in actually finishing things.  That being said, I have another 3 or 4 cross-stitch projects almost done that you may see soon :)

These are the perfect colors for my kitchen!

I got frames on sale for 50% off, plus another 15% off, so I will soon be able to hang up pictures in my sewing room, kitchen, family room and foyer.  I just need to wrap up some of the stitching and then do all the pressing, mounting, framing (I hate that part!).