Saturday, April 21, 2012

Time Flies!

I can't believe I have had nothing new to show for almost two weeks.  Especially since I've been so busy!

I am super excited about 2 patterns that I get to test!  One is a swimsuit pattern (for Danielle) and the other is a pants pattern that rolls up into shorts (for both kids).  I'm not sure how much I can share, since I've never been a tester before, so I'll leave it at that.  It's sooo much fun though, and I feel like I'm in some kind of secret club :)

I am also about to start sewing this cute pattern I bought during a sale at Shwin and Shwin:

Picture from

Doesn't it look adorable?  I can't wait to make one for Danielle, and I'm using two prints, which is a bit daring for me!

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