Sunday, July 1, 2012

Got Milk?

I made some baby gifts for a friend a month ago, but wasn't able to get them to her until this past week.  Thankfully I made baby Jaxon's onesie in the 3-6 month size so it will still fit for a while.  His mama is a lactation consultant, so I manipulated the font "Skinny" from 8ClawsandaPaw to make the phrase "Got Milk?"

I compressed the "m" to make it look more like the famous phrase, took the curve off the bottom of the "t" and distorted the "?" from another font so that it fit in with the rest of the letters.  I compressed the "o" a little as well and the stitches are skinnier at the top and bottom, making it look a little off even though the widest stitches are the same size as the rest of the letters.  I will have to play around in Embird a bit more to even it out next time.

I also made a taggie and burp cloth for Jaxon:

Monogram done with "Cubed" font

I used satin & grosgrain ribbon for the tags, along with some satin blanket binding for the really wide cream ones.

I also used the blanket binding to add a "J" to the front of the taggie.

The front side is some leftover piggie flannel

I've been appliqueing a lot with my sewing machine now that I have one that can do a blanket stitch (and a satin stitch and a ton of other stitches also).  I made similar taggies to donate but put a heart on those and I'm finishing up some cute appliqued skirts for my nieces :)

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