Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Avita Dress

Oh my, I have been a bad blogger lately.  It's starting to feel like fall around here (at least in the mornings/evenings), so maybe I will start my annual hibernation and sew up a storm soon...

I do have some pattern testing photos to share.

accessories by Danielle

This sweet dress is the Avita Dress by Popolok Designs.  I was excited to get a chance to try this pattern out before it was released, but even more pleased to find out this pattern was created by Alviana, whose work I was familiar with on Pattern Review.

That zipper up the back? 
It could NOT be any easier to insert!

It's got a flared skirt, long sleeves, a faux, lace-up vest and a zipper up the back.  I cannot say enough how beautifully the pieces were drafted.  I wanted to cry, it was done so well.  And the fit was excellent, though you can't really tell because I made my dress too small!

I love how girlie she looks

Aggghhh!  I was so confident in my ability to print that I didn't measure the test square, and my 1-inch by 1-inch square was only 7/8-inch by 7/8-inch.  Thankfully I had added length to the skirt pieces and Danielle is slim, so she is able to squeeze into it.  I don't think it will be making it to spring though!

The faux-vest makes it
seem fairy-tale-ish :)

I can't say enough about how wonderful this pattern was.  There were so many details that make it stand out among other patterns (pdf or otherwise).  I think my two favorite features were the line drawing and the fabric/color ideas, but there are so many other things that made it high-quality--a finished measurement chart, cutting layout, clear instructions--I highly recommend this pattern!


  1. This is really really cute! It makes me want to sew for a little girl. Thanks for linking to my blog by the way .. I hadn't discovered yours before!

  2. Thanks for this wonderful blog entry about us. You have made the dress beautifully and she looks absolutely lovely in it :)
