Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Bibs

I wanted Samuel to have something festive to wear today, since his sister is wearing her turkey shirt.  Here's what he will be wearing for Thanksgiving.

Bibs are feeder bibs, with 5x7 designs resized to 90%

My son is 5 1/2 months old and drooling like crazy (no teeth buds yet though).  Making him a onesie that would be covered up by a bib was pointless.  So I made him this pair of bibs instead.  I made him two bibs because he likes to chew on them and they get soaked pretty quickly.

Design from Planet Applique

I like that the next baby can wear these as well (if we decide to have one, which my husband probably won't agree to unless Samuel starts to sleep through the night!)

Also from Planet Applique

I hope you and yours have the happiest of Thanksgivings!

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