Hello 2014 and hello everyone! It has been far too long since I popped in here. I have been busy working, spending time with my family, getting ready for Christmas, sewing (of course) and doing all those other life things that happen off the Internet. I wanted to do a quick year-in-review/goals for 2014 type of post, since I still have photos to take and edit of actual sewing projects:)
I tried out patterns from a lot of different PDF designers this year, and I've definitely developed some favorites. I like designers who offer clothing with good drafting and proper construction, and details like measurement charts, fabric layouts and sewing tips are a plus.
I shied away from panning designers in the past, because I don't want to
hurt anyone's business. After seeing how many new designers have sprung
up over the past year and the way that there are a lot of glowing
reviews from testers and new seamstresses who might not recognize (or
want to recognize) issues, I realized there is a bit of honest
perspective missing. So here is my list of designers who make or miss the mark.
Popolok Designs -
Here is my version of the CeCe, the Nelia and the Lulu
I still love Popolok Designs. I have not gotten around to sewing any of her patterns again (except the Nelia, more on that a different day), but I will. I love her drafting and that her patterns have interesting details and options. She's not afraid of buttons, zippers, facings, or any of those other things that some consider "hard" but I think are really just part of sewing. I can't wait to see what she has planned for the new year!
Tie Dye Diva -
A new favorite! Jen shop offers fairly classic patterns, but I love them because I can trust the fit and construction. That was especially important when I made pants for Samuel's dedication at church. I used my husband's old uniform trousers to make them, and I only had enough material for one go. TDD's
Snazzy Pants pattern did not let me down! She's got some really cute patterns I can't wait to make in 2014.
PeekABoo Pattern Shop - PAN
I hate to include Amy's patterns here, because I love that she offers so many RTW styles. I tested several times for her and formed an opinion that makes me not want to pay money for her patterns. Sometimes the cycle seemed a bit rushed, like getting the patterns to the testers was more important than getting the pattern to fit right first. Some of the details made it clear that they were new to her, and yet she was drafting patterns that included them. Also, precedence seems to be given to people who can provide photos for listings and not those who will give honest feedback. All this adds up to a pan from me.
Schwin patterns - PAN
I made the Maggie Mae, dress version, for Danielle and loved the finished result, but not the process. I think there is a lot to be said for paper patterns, as much as they get sneered at. Though the instructions may be sparse, and a bit difficult for new seamstresses to follow, they are at least complete. I don't buy a pattern to figure out how wide or how many pleats to make myself. I have enough skill to cobble together my own patterns--I buy them so I don't waste precious sewing time trying to figure things out myself as I get a thrill from the end result, not the creative process. There are other patterns that are similar that offer better instructions--
the Oliver + S Ice Cream Dress, for example. I am also looking forward to trying out this
Color Block pattern by Heidi & Finn.
Whimsy Couture - PAN
$7 to make a bow? Total waste of money! |
I don't even know what to say. I spent $7 ON SALE for a pattern (the Bodacious Bow Peasant Dress) that came with 5 different files (five! to make a peasant dress!), and only one pattern piece--a hand-drawn armhole cutout. I can draft my own peasant dress (see
the indietutes tutorial here)--I wanted a nice pattern and I didn't realize the bow was just tacked on, separately, not part of the construction of the dress. And the hand-drawn piece? It was sketchy. Like, lines not even smoothed out sketchy. The only salvageable part of the pattern was the bow--you can bet I will not be sending any more of my hard-earned money in this shop's direction, that's for sure.
My New Blog Design - PICK!
This took a bit of time, as my graphic designs skills extend to Microsoft Office, Paint, and a smidge of Photoshop. I'm comfortable with computers, but not so good at creating my own designs. I'm pretty pleased with the way my header turned out, and I can swap out colors if/when I get around to it.
BubbleGum Swing Dress- PICK!
Candy Castle Patterns has been knocking designs out of the park this year! Rebecca's Peppermint Swirl dress stands out as one of the prettiest and most unique dresses I've seen, and
the BubbleGum Swing dress that I made during a sew-a-long was one of my most favorite items ever. The options make it really versatile, and though it can be made in knits it is a dream for those who want to use cottons--there are so many options for using coordinating prints.
I don't have any real pans of the year, unless you count my failure to set (or meet) any real sewing goals, and my lack of consistency in blog posts. I did do a lot of pattern testing and some styles were outside my comfort zone. That being said, I don't think there was a single style I really disliked. Just some fabric/pattern combinations that didn't make it into my favorites. Moving on...
2014 GOALS
I was supposed to make a quilt for our queen sized bed. I haven't even washed the fabric yet! Beyond that, I didn't have any defined goals for this past year. I want to stay a bit more focused, so I'm taking the time to set some goals for this new year.
1. Submit a project for Hopeful Threads each quarter.
Kristy was doing monthly projects, but has changed to doing them quarterly this year. That takes away any excuse I have about sewing something in time, so I commit to participating each quarter.
2. Sew for myself.
Have you seen the Mouse House cardigan? It's too cute, and shouldn't involve too much fit. I plan to lose weight this year, but a cardigan should still fit even if I do shed some pounds. I'd also like to sew myself at least 2 dresses and 2 other tops this year. Total: 5 garments for myself. I can do it!
3. Finish my UFOs (UnFinished Objects).
I am not sure how many partially done sewing projects I have laying around, but I do know that it's time to finish them up. There are clothes that my kids have grown past the point of being able to wear (that I will finish and find a home for), Christmas presents that never got finished and mailed, toys that my nieces are going to be too old for soon--they all will get sewn! Okay, maybe not all of them, but a good bit of them. I feel motivated for 2014!
Whew! Are you tired of reading yet? I think that's a long enough list. I hope you all had a safe and happy holiday, and look forward to seeing what you create in this new year. What are you going to sew first?