Last post I realized I had been lacking variety in my photos lately. I don't have as much free time as I'd like, so I usually take my photos indoors, at night (gasp, I know!) I have tried to move around my house in order to shake it up a bit, and I realized I have actually given you a pretty good tour of the house over the past year or two. I thought it would be fun to compile some previous projects in order to give you a virtual house tour, sewing style.
Let's start at the front door, shall we?
Now, in case you are an Internet stalker and not the kind, sewing-sister-of-my-soul that I imagine, I'm going to jump around. Otherwise I might as well post the blueprints to my home and leave the door unlocked...
This is our couch. Samuel is nearly as big
as big as it. Just kidding. Sort of. |
This mocha is an accent wall in my living room. I need to hang pictures, but if I do, I will lose my clutter-free background.
Guests in our home our welcome to use our downstairs bath, which is equipped with
monogrammed towels and a
silhouette wall-hanging, neither of which I have pictures of IN the bathroom. Picture them to the left of the sink.
My MIL's dog Norman was kind enough to model his Thundershirt knockoff in the eat-in portion of our kitchen, so you can see the travertine tiles and golden walls. It's part of my Mediterranean-inspired kitchen, which features a ceramic sun plaque from Cyprus and some street-artist paintings from Portugal.
Here's a closeup of the business-side, though the towel resides in another state, with my sister.
We also have yellow in the kids bedrooms (for now). I actually just painted Samuel's room blue and Danielle's room will be pink. Stereotypical colors, but my little girl insists that pink and purple are her favorite colors, and I am working with a car theme in the boy's room.
This next backdrop has made quite a few appearances--it's my sewing room floor! The ball-headed pins I use are easy to find when I drop them (and it helps that I can hear them fall) and the location is pretty convenient for photo shoots.
My sewing room has been rearranged since the last time I shared pictures. I will post some updates once I finish a few projects I have planned in there (sewing machine covers and a new valance.
Aw, this is a classic. The closet door in my daughter's bedroom. I actually don't have a single wall in my home that is white, so I try to squeeze in photoshoots in front of doors when I want a white background.
Or, if it's still daylight, I can use the back porch. The composter likes to photobomb, though I was able to crop it out of this shot.
Here's a glimpse of the backyard:
Ice Cream Dress (before I started blogging)
pattern by Oliver + S |
And one of the front yard:
This is my favorite colored room--the master bedroom. Before you judge my husband for sleeping in a purple room, he got to have one room painted hunter green, *shudder*. It's actually more like a billiard green, as they don't really make hunter green anymore. Or peach accessories. Thank goodness! Although mint and emerald greens are big right now, so you never know. We don't take pictures in the green room.
This little cutie is modeling our front porch swing. Oh, and the shirt I made him. I have a bunch of button-ups planned for him, and he's becoming quite the cheeser, so I hope to post more of him soon.
Here's another shot of the front porch/yard:
And now we've made a full circle, back to our foyer.
That was a fun tour for me, I hope you enjoyed seeing my home and projects as well. Thanks for looking around!